Exploratory Data Analysis with Python
(EDA-PYTHON.AJ1) / ISBN : 978-1-64459-298-4
About This Course
Skills You’ll Get
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Interactive Lessons
13+ Interactive Lessons | 47+ Exercises | 63+ Quizzes | 80+ Flashcards | 80+ Glossary of terms
Gamified TestPrep
35+ Pre Assessment Questions | 35+ Post Assessment Questions |
Hands-On Labs
77+ LiveLab | 13+ Video tutorials | 20+ Minutes
- Who this course is for?
- What this course covers?
- To get the most out of this course
- Conventions used
Exploratory Data Analysis Fundamentals
- Understanding data science
- The significance of EDA
- Making sense of data
- Comparing EDA with classical and Bayesian analysis
- Software tools available for EDA
- Getting started with EDA
- Summary
- Further reading
Visual Aids for EDA
- Technical requirements
- Line chart
- Bar charts
- Scatter plot
- Area plot and stacked plot
- Pie chart
- Table chart
- Polar chart
- Histogram
- Lollipop chart
- Choosing the best chart
- Other libraries to explore
- Summary
- Further reading
Activity: EDA with Personal Email
- Technical requirements
- Loading the dataset
- Data transformation
- Data analysis
- Summary
- Further reading
Data Transformation
- Technical requirements
- Background
- Merging database-style dataframes
- Transformation techniques
- Benefits of data transformation
- Summary
- Further reading
Descriptive Statistics
- Technical requirements
- Understanding statistics
- Measures of central tendency
- Measures of dispersion
- Summary
- Further reading
Grouping Datasets
- Technical requirements
- Understanding groupby()
- Groupby mechanics
- Data aggregation
- Pivot tables and cross-tabulations
- Summary
- Further reading
- Technical requirements
- Introducing correlation
- Types of analysis
- Discussing multivariate analysis using the Titanic dataset
- Outlining Simpson's paradox
- Correlation does not imply causation
- Summary
- Further reading
Activity: Time Series Analysis
- Technical requirements
- Understanding the time series dataset
- TSA with Open Power System Data
- Summary
- Further reading
Hypothesis Testing and Regression
- Hypothesis testing
- p-hacking
- Understanding regression
- Model development and evaluation
- Summary
- Further reading
Model Development and Evaluation
- Technical requirements
- Types of machine learning
- Understanding supervised learning
- Understanding unsupervised learning
- Understanding reinforcement learning
- Unified machine learning workflow
- Summary
- Further reading
Activity: EDA on Wine Quality Data Analysis
- Technical requirements
- Disclosing the wine quality dataset
- Analyzing red wine
- Analyzing white wine
- Model development and evaluation
- Summary
- Further reading
- String manipulation
- Using pandas vectorized string functions
- Using regular expressions
- Further reading
Exploratory Data Analysis Fundamentals
- Styling a Dataframe
- Applying Function to a Dataframe
- Slicing and Subsetting
- Dividing NumPy Arrays
- Inspecting NumPy Arrays
- Defining NumPy arrays
- Selecting rows
- Reading Data from a CSV File
- Creating a Dataframe
Visual Aids for EDA
- Creating a Line chart
- Creating a Bar Chart
- Creating a Scatter Plot
- Creating a Bubble Chart
- Creating an Area Plot
- Creating a Pie Chart
- Creating a Table Chart
- Creating a Polar Chart
- Adding the Best-Fit Line for the Normal Distribution
- Creating a Histogram
- Creating a Lollipop Chart
Activity: EDA with Personal Email
- Performing EDA with Email Data
- Extracting Email Using Regex
- Converting a Field to datetime
- Removing NaN Values
- Dropping a Column
Data Transformation
- Stacking a Dataframe
- Concatenating Dataframes
- Analyzing Dataframes
- Combining Dataframes
- Merging on Index
- Permuting a Dataframe
- Removing Duplicate Data
- Replacing Values
- Interpolating Missing Values
- Backward and Forward Filling
- Handling NaN values
- Counting Missing Values
- Renaming Axis Indexes
- Binning
- Detecting Outliers
Descriptive Statistics
- Generating a Binomial Distribution Plot
- Generating an Exponential Distribution Plot
- Generating a Normal Distribution Plot
- Generating a Uniform Distribution Plot
- Using Statistical Functions
- Calculating Standard Deviation
- Finding Skewness and Kurtosis
- Creating a Box Plot
- Calculating Inter-Quartile Range
Grouping Datasets
- Finding Maximum Value for Each Group
- Grouping a Dataset
- Filtering Data
- Applying Aggregation Functions
- Creating a Pivot Table
- Creating a Cross-Tabulation Table
- Calculating Correlation Coefficient
Activity: Time Series Analysis
- Sampling the Data
- Resampling the Data
- Changing the Index of a Dataframe
Hypothesis Testing and Regression
- Performing Z-Test
- Calculating the P-Value
- Performing T-test
- Scoring the Model
- Understanding the Linear Regression Model
Model Development and Evaluation
- Using TfidfVectorizer
Activity: EDA on Wine Quality Data Analysis
- Plotting a Heatmap
- Visualizing the Data in 3D Form
- Accessing Characters
- String Slicing
- Updating a String
- Escape Sequencing
- Formatting Strings
- Displaying Last 10 items from a Dataframe
- Using String Functions with a Dataframe
- Finding Words from a String
- Counting Full Stops using Regex
- Matching Characters